Monday, August 18, 2008

Back to School

Well, I started back to work today. So sad! No more playgroups at the pool, running errands during the day, and relaxing with Jackson during the day (except weekends) for a long time. It was good to see my friends at work and I am looking forward to seeing my kiddos and getting new kiddos next week. At least we can get in our rooms and they are clean this year. No new carpet, ceiling tiles, or other renovations this summer to keep us out until the weekend before school starts this year. It won't be so stressful this year. Jackson had a great day with Ba. He didn't cry when I left and was happily playing with MomMom when I got home. He wanted to show us all his toys. MomMom set up his tent in the living room and he had a big time. He was very excited to have pancakes, sausage and an egg for breakfast. No more waffle and canned peaches for him now that MomMom has something to say about it. I hope that he continues to behave himself for Ba and they have another great year.

1 comment:

Robin Brant said...

Welcome back to working life. Fun times.