Friday, January 9, 2009

Chirstmas Eve

Tantrum or snow angel???
I love my new wheels!
Why is all this stuff in my way?
I'm not sure what I think about this talking bear!

Jack and his fans.

Jack and PawPaw

Jack with his favorite people!
Jack opened one present on Christmas Eve.

Night night Grandma and Grandpa.

Daddy and Jack hanging up stockings.

Jack with Nana and PawPaw

We enjoyed some yummy lasagna, salad, and bread on Christmas Eve at our house. Jack loved having all four of his grandparents over! He showed off his new big wheel that Aunt Sharon and the gang gave him for Christmas. After dinner Jack opened one present- a Wiggles car. How fun! He hung up his stocking with Daddy and read The Night Before Christmas with PawPaw and Nana.

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