Saturday, July 4, 2009

My week

Pseudoangiomatous stromal hyperplasia. What a difficult way to say a rare, benign breast tumor. That is what I had removed on Thursday. I had been having some issues and pain over the last couple of months so my gynecologist referred me to an awesome breast specialty center for an ultrasound thinking I likely had a fluid filled cyst. On Monday I had said ultrasound and found a 1 1/2 centimeter tumor. I was told there was a less than 2% chance it was cancerous, but it was still scary. I had it removed and biopsied on Thursday and got the results yesterday that it was okay. This type of tumor is not supposed to increase my chance for breast cancer. I need to go have a follow up ultrasound in 6 months, but am good to go besides being sore and bruised. I am also having some blistering which is very rare, but not surprising with my sensitive skin and allergies. Anyway, moral of the story is keep doing those breast exams girls!


The Yates Family said...

Mer, I had no idea! How scary! I had to have a biopsy a year ago and I still have some discoloration from the incision. Hang in there and let us know if you need anything.

Rebecca said...

Oh my goodness, Meri! What a blessing to find out that everything is good! We will pray that all continues well and that you have a quick, easy more blistering and rapid healing!!! Hope to see you tomorrow! : )

Heather said...

I feel your pain! I had one removed a few years ago. Very scary, not fun and I'm allergic to any kind of adhesive. But thank God it's not cancer for both of us. Hope your feeling better and having a great summer.

Krista said...

Oh my, Meri! SO glad to hear everything is okay! I enjoyed catching up on your blog today; I've been absent from 'blogland' for quite-a-while! =) Your son is such a cutie! Hope you guys are enjoying your summer! =)

Kelly | Fabulous K said...

Hey Meri!

I just found your blog through Robin's! Your family is adorable. Feel free to come visit my blog(s):

Andrea Cole said...

Oh my - I had no idea. I'm so glad everything is ok. That is scary. Maybe, I need to be better about those breast exams. So glad you are ok - will be praying for your recovery and follow ups.

Kelsey @ Seattle Smith's said...

First off, what a relief to know it isn't cancerous. Secondly, SO glad to find your blog! I am starting back from your first post to get caught up with ya'll!

Samantha said...

Yea for good news! I had no idea, but I am so, so glad that everything came vack fine! You are precious to so many!
Love ya!